Thursday, March 17, 2011

Cover Girl 50th Anniversary Face Book Party!

Cover Girl is celebrating their 50th Anniversary with a party on Face Book! Go to the Cover Girl Face Book page then click on the My Cover Girl tab to complete the mascara poll! You will then be entered for a chance to win 1 of 1,000 Lash Blast Volume Mascaras! That's some pretty good odds! Here is some more info on the happenings!
What's the 50th anniversary?
Celebrating 50 beautiful years
The next generation of COVERGIRL… is you! Visit the MyCOVERGIRL tab to celebrate and let friends and this iconic beauty brand know just what it is that makes you an easy, breezy, beautiful COVERGIRL. As part of the fun, they’ll be offering samples, fun quizzes, sweet rewards, monthly and quarterly prizes and amazing once-in-a-lifetime opportunities. Go ahead, invite your friends to the party and rock your COVERGIRL all year long!

I am participating in this review through BzzAgent! I was not told what to say, all opinions are my own! Thank you (:

The Factor Tree: Review and Free Trail

The Factor Tree has improved their site and I was lucky enough to get to review it! My kids loved doing math and learning with The Factor Tree... Different kids learn on different levels and that's how it is with my kiddos.. The Factor Tree makes it easy to place kids with appropriate questions with their placement test! Go to The Factor Tree and sign up for your free 1 month trail now and see for yourself! Here is also some information from the site! You might also have to enter the code BZF to get the trail, I'm not sure but wanted to put it on the post in case!
A better way to learn math
Every student learns differently — should’t your child be taught math in the way that works best for them? The team at The Factor Tree think so. Which is why their online supplementary math education platform adapts as your child learns, to ensure your pre-K to 6th-grader is always taught in the way that gets the best results.

What makes the Factor Tree so effective?
Provides the practice and repetition needed for a child to truly master key math skills
Use a skill-adaptive progression algorithm to pinpoint each child’s true skill level
Provides parents with helpful reports, metrics and notifications to track their child’s progress
Combines a state testing-compliant curriculum, world class educational theories and innovative technology to create a better learning tool

I reviewed The Factor Tree through BzzAgent.. I was not told what to say.. All my opinions are my own! Thank you (:

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Free Sample of U By Kotex

Get your U By Kotex sample pack by clicking the link and filling in your info!